Should I Use Kinesiology Tape?

Should I Use Kinesiology Tape?

Woman utilizing Kinesiology tape on her neck and shoulder

We often see athletes using strips of kinesiology tape on their muscles, but did you know that this tape also has use for non-athletes?

Kinesiology tape has become more widely used over the last couple of years for various reasons. In this article, we’ll examine how it could potentially help you too!

What is Kinesiology Tape?

Kinesiology tape is made of breathable, stretchy fabric, and it sticks to your skin without being too tight. Its primary goal is to provide support for your muscles and tissues. It is designed to mimic the effect of wearing a brace or splint while having elastic qualities that allow for a full range of motion.1

Since athletes are more frequently exposed to rigorous and prolonged physical activity, taping helps prevent the chance of developing an injury by supporting weaker or minorly injured areas in their bodies.

Given the fabric’s breathability, kinesiology tape can be worn for days at a time, and some brands even allow you to shower without removing them.

However beneficial for athletes, there are several benefits to kinesiology tape for non-athletes as well.

Woman using Kinesiology Tape on Her Knee

How Does Kinesiology Tape Help?

Support Weak Zones: People recovering from injuries can significantly reduce the risk of reinjuring or further injuring a recovering part of their body.2

Improving blood circulation: Studies have shown that the light pulling of the tape on the skin allows for extra subcutaneous space, allowing for improved blood flow and decreased swelling. 3

Reduction of pain in specific areas: Applying kinesiology tape can help relieve pressure on specific pain trigger points (especially sensitive muscles), allowing for a more comfortable recovery process.

Re-educating muscle movement: In some instances, kinesiology tape can help retrain how you use certain muscle groups. The extra support and the added attention (due to the tape’s presence) can help improve the quality of your recovery.

Where Can the Tape Be Applied?

When applied properly by trained professionals, the tape can be used on a variety of areas, including but not limited to:4

  • Elbows
  • Back
  • Calves
  • Abs
  • Hamstrings
  • Knees
  • Shoulders
  • Shins
  • Wrists

When Should Tape Not Be Applied?

While taping may be generally beneficial, there are some circumstances where it may do more harm than good. 4

For example, the tape should not be applied on fragile or sensitive skin, and any open wound, as direct contact could cause issues.

In addition, health conditions that may be worsened by increased blood flow to particular areas (such as cancer or deep vein thrombosis) might be more dangerous when taping, as there would be an increased risk of medical complications.

Man from Kintsugi Physical Therapy Ready to Help

Let Kintsugi Physical Therapy & Wellness Help Improve Your Recovery Experience

While new research suggests that utilizing kinesiology tape can be helpful, it is also noted that tape alone is not an effective treatment method. For the best results, it is most effective when done in conjunction with physical therapy.

Our team at Kintsugi Physical Therapy & Wellness believes that holistic recovery is the best approach for your recovery. We are fully dedicated to helping you rebuild your life using all the tools and knowledge available.

Contact us or call us at 253-330-8518 to get started.
