Improving Knee Pain With Holistic Therapy

Improving Knee Pain With Holistic Therapy

Knee Pain Relief

How does holistic physical therapy improve knee pain?

Have you noticed ongoing pain, stiffness, or discomfort in your knees? If so, you aren’t alone. Knee pain is extremely common and is often a result of the natural aging process. People may experience knee pain due to wear and tear from daily activities such as walking, running, and lifting. However, no matter what the root cause of your knee pain is, it can have a taxing effect on your life.

At Kintsugi Physical Therapy & Wellness, we design patient treatment plans based on a holistic approach. This unique and powerful physical therapy method employs healing techniques and evidence-based strategies while focusing on the patient as a whole. Instead of just treating symptoms, we analyze the root cause, lifestyle factors, emotional health, and general wellness. With our innovative rehabilitation programs, we have seen a great number of success in patients with knee pain.

Call us at Kintsugi Physical Therapy & Wellness today to start your recovery journey!


The severity of knee pain will look different for every patient, depending on the cause and location of the problem. However, there are some common signs and symptoms to look for, including:

  • Swelling and redness
  • Stiffness
  • Feeling weak in the legs and knees
  • Popping noises
  • Inability to fully extend the knee

During treatment, your holistic therapist will deeply consider symptoms in addition to finding the root of your pain.

Common Causes of Knee Pain

  • Iliotibial band syndrome. This happens when the thighbone’s outer surface is rubbed against by the iliotibial band, a firm band of tissue that runs from the outside of your hip to the outside of your knee. Iliotibial band syndrome is more common in cyclists and distance runners.
  • Dislocated kneecap. When the patella, a triangular bone covering the front of your knee, slides out of position. This usually occurs on the outside of your knee. In some circumstances, the kneecap may remain dislocated, allowing you to observe the dislocation.
  • Hip or foot pain. Pain in the hips or feet can alter your walk, placing more stress on your knee joint.

Common Knee Problems

  • Sprained or strained knee ligaments. A damaged ligament or muscle is usually caused by a forceful injury or sudden twist of the knee.
  • Torn cartilage. Sometimes, knee injuries can tear the menisci and involve cartilage tears.
  • Tendonitis. Inflammation of the tendons typically results from overuse or strain of a tendon during certain activities. This condition is usually associated with sports such as running and cycling.
  • Arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition where the knee cartilage in the joint gradually wears away. It primarily affects mature people and can be caused by excess stress on the joint.

Methods of Treatment & What to Expect

There are several effective methods of treatment that we apply at Kintsugi Physical Therapy & Wellness with a holistic approach. Often, we will utilize acupuncture for the reduction of inflammation and pain. Our therapists will also practice massage therapy techniques for releasing tight muscles that may be causing pain and discomfort. In addition to alleviating symptoms in the leg and knee, massage therapy helps to ease stress and anxiety.

Because knee pain can be caused by an underlying inflammatory condition, our therapists may recommend lifestyle changes that center around a wholesome, nutritious diet.

An important part of our treatment process is conducting a full physiotherapy assessment of the hip and knee joints. In addition to alternative medicine and holistic methods, we will likely provide some strengthening exercises and stretches. These exercises will help to prevent future injuries, build endurance, and improve balance as well as coordination. Patient education always plays a significant role in therapy, and we may suggest at-home exercises to help maintain your recovery.

Why a holistic approach is effective

Holistic PT helps patients recover without the requirement for surgery or medication management. With healing methods like massage therapy and acupuncture, our patients are able to recover safely and comfortably. Our therapists challenge patients with exercises that will improve their symptoms while creating a soothing and relaxing environment. In addition, holistic physical therapy is a great start to living a healthier, happier life.

Don’t suffer from the pain any longer. Call Kintsugi Physical Therapy & Wellness to get started today!


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