Treating Chronic Pain With a Holistic Approach

Treating Chronic Pain With a Holistic Approach

Chronic Pain

How Physical Therapy Is the Solution For Chronic Pain

What is chronic pain, and how does holistic physical therapy help?

Chronic pain can take quite a toll on someone’s life. Whether pain stems from a migraine disorder, surgery, past injury, or even a psychological issue, the condition can easily interfere with your mental health, activities you enjoy, and the ability to complete daily tasks. Using our unique and evidence-based holistic approach, our physical therapists at Kintsugi Physical Therapy & Wellness can help you cope with symptoms and eventually leave chronic pain in the past. Holistic health is essential in healing, focusing on an individual’s physical condition, emotional health, spiritual well-being, and other lifestyle factors.

Don’t wait to start your healing journey. Call us at Kintsugi Physical Therapy & Wellness today!

What Is Chronic Pain?

Pain is an uncomfortable sensation typically brought on by injury or tissue damage but can be present for many other reasons. Generally, pain is classified as acute or chronic.

Acute pain lasts no longer than six months at a time and might be a sign that tissue damage has occurred. This type of pain usually comes on suddenly and is generally caused by something specific, although acute pain will subside on its own when there is no longer an underlying cause. Causes of acute pain include:

  • Surgery.
  • Broken bones.
  • Burns or cuts.
  • Labor and childbirth.

Chronic pain persists for six months – far beyond a normal healing time. Even after the condition that caused the pain has healed or disappeared, pain impulses can remain active in the neurological system for several weeks, months, or even years. Even in cases when there is no obvious physical damage or prior injuries, some patients experience persistent pain.

Chronic pain causes the brain to become more sensitive. It forces the brain to continue perceiving all sensations coming from painful places as dangerous, even when no tissue damage exists. Pain signals originate in various brain regions, including those in charge of movement, emotions, problem-solving, learning, and fight-or-flight responses. Chronic pain can impact almost any system of the body.

Where Do People Feel Chronic Pain?

Every part of your body can experience chronic pain, taking many different forms. The common forms of chronic pain are:

  • Back pain.
  • Arthritis, or joint pain.
  • Neck pain.
  • Pain from a tumor.
  • Headaches/migraines.
  • Testicular pain (orchialgia).
  • Scar tissue pain.
  • Muscular pain.
  • Neurogenic pain by damage to the nerves or other parts of the nervous system.

People with chronic pain often describe burning, stiffness, aching, and throbbing symptoms. Sometimes, chronic pain can lead to other conditions, including anxiety, depression, and mood swings.

What Causes Chronic Pain?

Sometimes, chronic pain can have an obvious cause, such as arthritis or cancer. Injuries and diseases can also cause changes to your body that make you more sensitive to pain, which can stay in place even after you’ve healed. Sprains, fractures, and infections are all common origins of chronic pain.

However, chronic pain isn’t always caused by a physical injury or illness. When there is no detectable root cause of pain, medical professionals call the response psychogenic or psychosomatic pain. These sensations are typically caused by mental or emotional factors such as intense stress, depression, or anxiety.

The complexity behind chronic pain is why a holistic approach to healing is vital. With chronic pain, your condition could stem from an injury, a psychological problem, or both.

Why Holistic Therapy Is a Solution

Rather than treating symptoms to provide temporary relief, holistic therapy focuses on all components of an individual case to treat conditions. Holistic physical therapy addresses the primary cause of your issue, then works with the foundations of your physical and emotional health to heal the body. For example, if you’re having consistent headaches from a concussion and notice symptoms are triggered by stress, that means your condition should be assessed from both a physical and psychological standpoint.

Treatment and Healing Strategies

Holistic PTs employ diverse methods of treatment to aid patients in their rehabilitation. A few standard healing techniques include:

  • Acupuncture treats conditions like osteoarthritis, migraines, and fibromyalgia.
  • Therapeutic massage alleviates pain and reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Manual therapy addresses pain with hands-on techniques that promote circulation, enhance joint movement and ease muscle tension.
  • Alternative medicine, such as chiropractic treatment, yoga, biofeedback, and osteopathy

Find relief at Kintsugi Physical Therapy & Wellness today.

Using our powerful, evidence-based healing strategies, our team can resolve your pain as soon as possible. At Kintsugi Physical Therapy & Wellness, we are compassionate about leading patients to a happier, healthier life.

To book your first appointment, contact our clinic today!


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